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necklaces and earrings. In a range of striking contemporary jewellery inspired by the natural world

Antonella Giomarelli

Antonella’s most recent jewellery collection 'erba' draws on her passion for gathering and collecting items and fragments from the natural world. The transience of delicate wild grasses is captured and given permanence in precious metals, highlighting their subtle texture, retaining their fragility. In this thoughtful presentation these humble finds can become objects of intrigue where jewellery becomes a lense into the natural world, drawing attention to a beauty that may easily be overlooked. Through this romantic narrative Antonella hopes to offer the wearer a greater connection to their natural environment.

Antonella has been making jewellery for over 14 years, selling and exhibiting her work internationally. She now works from her home studio in West Yorkshire on the edge of the Calderdale moors

Jewellery designer Antonella Giomarelli

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