• Annabet Wyndham

    Colourful jewellery using silver, enamel & wood click for more

  • Gail Klevan

    Iridescent, vibrant, hand-painted acrylic jewellery click for more

  • Sarah Packington

    Handmade acrylic contemporary jewellery in simple graphic patterns and shapes in bold stunning colours click for more

Colourful and Couture Cufflinks

love colourful and couture cufflinks

Want a pair of cufflinks that are a little bit different and add a splash of colour to your shirt cuffs? lovedazzle has hand picked some colourful and quirky cufflinks that have been designed and handmade by some of the best contemporary jewellers working in the United Kingdom. Don’t settle for mass produced cufflinks that you can find on any high street, treat yourself or a loved one to jewellery that’s unique and handmade!


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